Regardless of what assortment is sold in a store, it is certainly of great importance how the goods offered to customers are displayed in the store.
Store furniture
must be characterized by durability and a specific design – consistent with the nature of the business, but also beneficial to the products presented. So where to buy the right furniture for the store?


Store furniture – ready-made or custom-made?

Buying ready-made furniture from a so-called chain store may seem like an attractive solution. Such equipment is usually available off-the-shelf at an attractive price. We can view them on site and take them with us or have them delivered, and thus furnish our store very quickly. However, does fast also mean good?

When looking for store furniture, you should consider ordering the right custom shelving. This is not only a matter of maximum functional use of space in a given premises, but also of quality.

Customized store furniture
are produced with much better materials and in a more careful manner, as these are interior design elements that are meant to last as long as possible for their owner.

In the case of chain furniture, assume the need for replacement after a maximum of a few, several years. At the end of the day, customized store furniture may prove to be the more advantageous solution, also from an economic point of view.


The right store furniture – buy with your head

Furniture for the office must be ergonomic, elegant and versatile, while store furniture, above all, must be durable.

First, the shelves of the racks should be able to withstand as much load as possible, and second, the finishes of the store furniture must be characterized by high resistance to mechanical damage. After all, they will be put to the test in stores during the lining up of goods, as well as during ordinary shopping – collisions between shopping carts and shelves are a common occurrence. In addition, store furniture must have the right design.

Keep in mind that they are an aesthetic and functional background for the goods – not the other way around. This means that they should not attract attention, but make the products present themselves as favorably as possible. Therefore, it is advisable to choose store furniture with a minimalist design and in muted colors: wood, white, gray. Although the store’s equipment should be sturdy, it must balance this feature with the lightness and ease of moving the furniture body due to the fact that rearranging shelves is necessary to keep the premises properly clean.


Wondering where to buy store furniture? Bet on Vonart

We offer a wide range of store furniture designs for a variety of industries – from food, to the beauty industry, to clothing stores. Our modules are timeless and made of solid materials such as metal, wood, steel and tempered glass. Take a look at our past realizations and order a project tailored to your needs.