When opening a new service outlet, we have to think about a myriad of things – merchandising, online marketing or outdoor advertising, recruiting and hiring salespeople, accounting, and finally – store equipment. The last point is worth approaching with due diligence, as a successful arrangement can bolster sales and encourage customers to visit again. Learn 3 practical tips you can apply to your commercial space.

1. equipment of stores should correspond to the layout of the premises

The first step to planning a suitable, that is, functional and aesthetically pleasing space, is to determine what arrangement of furniture will be best in our store. The 3 most common plans are:

  • Row layout – characteristic of bookstores and most grocery stores, allows to fill the space from floor to ceiling, will work well in medium-sized premises,
  • Loop layout – often found in gas station stores or small kiosks. The store’s fixtures mark the path a customer must take from the door to the counter, allowing for the display of novelty or discounted merchandise,
  • A system with unrestricted traffic flow – used in larger spaces. It allows the most creative arrangement, full of display tables, display cabinets shelves or overhead shelves.

2. store equipment vs. merchandise display

When planning store furnishings, do not forget that the most important elements of the premises are the goods offered. The furniture must not overwhelm the products being sold, so it should have neutral colors, against which multicolored packaging will look good. It is also worth paying attention to the load capacity of the structure – the shelves should not bend from the weight of the goods.

3. shopfitting – reach for customized furniture

As we have been able to prove, a carefully planned arrangement of the service premises can rally customers with the brand, best show the qualities of the goods offered, and thus – increase sales.

In order to make this happen, it is worth reaching for sturdy, custom-made furniture. Then we can be sure that the store equipment will perfectly fit into the planned layout of the room and will survive many years of use in an unchanged condition.

Vonart provides not only attractive designs for commercial spaces, but also the precise production of all parts at a furniture factory near Wroclaw and efficient installation at the destination. Take a look at our past realizations and order exactly the store equipment you need.