When deciding to open an office or moving an existing company to a new space, every owner faces a challenge. How to furnish a space to be comfortable, functional and affordable? Some of the requirements depend on the industry in which you operate, but some rules are universal for any establishment. Properly selected office equipment and furniture will positively affect the image of the company in the eyes of customers and the productivity of employed professionals.

Furniture for the office – custom or from the store?

The first decision to make when choosing furniture for the office is to opt for a ready-made assortment waiting in stores or bet on custom-made structures. The advantage of the first option is certainly off-the-shelf availability and usually an attractive price. However, that is where the benefits end.

Custom office furniture is designed to maximize the use of available space and not create unnecessary empty corners or undeveloped spaces, allowing you to accommodate more professionals in comfort. Structures made according to individual design can furthermore meet non-standard requirements – such as providing acoustic privacy in open space, how?

Glazed office furniture will ensure the comfort of employees

The use of tempered glass can be increasingly seen in modern office spaces. Office furniture equipped with glass allows to divide the space, without claustrophobic effect, and at the same time provide professionals with more privacy and silence. The result is a brightened, visually enlarged premises and a happy workforce that translates into better performance in daily tasks.

Office furniture from Icon Concept – an investment that will turn into profit

Do you want to order office furniture that features a stylish, minimalist design, will provide comfortable working conditions, and at the same time will serve for many years? These requirements are met by designs from Icon Concept. It is worth noting that we handle each order in a holistic manner – from the creation of a design corresponding to a specific space, through the manufacture of solid equipment to the precise installation at the destination.

For the production of office furniture, we use the highest quality, environmentally friendly raw materials, which is sure to positively affect the perception of the company in the eyes of visitors. You can opt for arrangements made of metal, wood, tempered glass or steel. Take a look at our past realizations and order office furniture today – exactly what you need.