It is formed from sheets of metal, which, under the influence of cutting and simultaneous pressing of the sheet, acquire a shape that allows the free flow of air and light. Thin drawn mesh depending on the application is made of different types of material, which allows to adjust the lightness, weather resistance to the place where it is applied.

Thin drawn mesh is durability for years

It is commonly used in the construction of fences on platforms, walkways, railroad depots and animal pens. This is because, thanks to its design, larger objects can be avoided from getting inside without sacrificing airflow and sunlight. Thin-drawn mesh is resistant to mechanical damage, so it is commonly used in areas that require permanent and safe separation.

The solution is also valued for its flexibility and ability to be used even in hard-to-reach places. The low price of a meter of mesh and the fact that it is fully recycled are also not insignificant.

Thin drawn mesh – use in construction

Thanks to its properties, the mesh is commonly used in the construction of sidewalks and in the creation of covers through which water drains. In architecture, it also performs the function of holding plaster, providing adhesion for wall finishing materials. Decorative values should not be forgotten either.

Liked by interior designers

Thinly drawn mesh can take different shapes, which is appreciated by designers. They are eager to use it to give interiors an elegant look and distinctive style. Indeed, thanks to its flexibility, unconventional design can be experienced in urban architecture and building structures.

Business applications

Thinly drawn mesh is also used in many industries. Its advantages have been recognized by farmers, food producers, transportation companies and horticultural companies.
Its arbitrary size makes its application solve the problems of many industries. The ability to adjust the length of the grid is also not insignificant. This type of construction has become a practical and low-cost support for realizing the business potential of enterprises.

Contact the specialists at Vonart to learn more about the possibilities offered by thin-drawn mesh. We will help you choose the right metal alloy that will make the product perform its function properly.