In order for the offered assortment to enjoy noticeable interest, it is worth investing in
appropriate store furniture. One of the most practical solutions may be a table
display. Place it strategically in your store and watch how potential buyers
are paying more and more attention to the goods placed on it.

The display table is a universal design

When considering the numerous advantages that display tables have, it is impossible not to mention their
almost unlimited functionality. They are perfect for grocery stores,
clothing and RTV. A properly designed structure will also be a valuable addition to the
premium stores, placing special emphasis on the elegant “surroundings” of the product.
There is no single foolproof recipe for the perfect display table. One of the best ways
On fitting it into the style of the store is to use the same materials and colors that the
used for the rest of the furnishings. Wood, of course, has led the way in recent seasons,
metal and glass.

Use the display table according to current trends

The purpose of display tables does not have to be the same all the time. In the case of
to which you do not plan to promote high-end or fresh products in the near future
introduced novelties, the display table is perfect for organizing sales.
Replace the plates New! Information about the start of the sale and watch for interest
potential customers. Make the display table serve you throughout the season to help you sell
assortment with both high and low demand.

Can a display table shimmer like Times Square?

In the case where the store’s policy does not pay undue attention to cyclical promotions
or announcing new products, the display table will be perfect for introducing the customer to the
premium products. Properly arranged space will make them shimmer like a
The jewel in the crown, catching the attention of all visitors.
A display table that you equip with appropriate spot or strip lighting, with a
It will certainly interest buyers, creating the impression of dealing with an elite product. Worth
Keep in mind, however, that this impression need not intimidate buyers.
A common practice in the consumer electronics segment is to put phones and laptops on the table
display, which acts as a demonstration platform at which customers can learn about the
possibilities of its eventual purchase.
The potential that a display table has is almost limitless. Get acquainted today with
Vonart’s realizations and find out that a purchase of this type can make a real contribution to the
Increase turnover in your store.